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Recruitment Process

Hiring and retaining the best talent in the industry is the most crucial challenge for every organization. However, it is get seemingly difficult as the demand is high and appropriate talent is limited. Each phase of the recruitment cycle, starting from identifying the most suited candidate’s profile to a smooth joining process, has its own unique challenges based on the market conditions, technology and trends.

However, many companies might have got their recruitment process streamlined, but the larger challenge is to identify the right match for the right profile. This requires a thorough understanding of recruitment life cycle, the external factors and more importantly a focused team dedicated to deliver recruitment solutions.

—“Our Selection process is based on a structured and methodical approach. We understand client’s business and culture, comprehend the job/position specifications.”


Kalpvrriksh training program prepares candidates with relevant technical and professional expertise needed to work with clients all over India. The multiple Training & Hiring Programs incorporate industry . Read More


Maintaining the personal and salary data of employees. Providing them salary slips. Handle complex transactions of the Client’s payrolls like– Daily/ monthly/ apprentices/ trainees’ payrolls, Bonus Calculation, Third Party payments, Minimum wages different pay out dates. Read More

During over 30 years of operation, our priority has always been to maintain strong relationships with employees, customers, and suppliers

With our carefully segregated list of campuses based on quality of students, location & placement records, you can precisely identify campuses that match your campus hiring needs.We accelerate interview productivity and reduce bias in the hiring process, while simultaneously improving the quality of your hires with integrated assessments, structured feedback forms, and built-in scorecards.

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Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Services for Candidates

Service Insights

0 +
Permanent Staff Hired
0 States
Contract Deployment
0 Cities
Manpower Services


Kalpvrrikshtraining program preparescandidateswith relevant technical and professional expertise needed to work with clients all over India. The multiple Training & Hiring Programs incorporate industry-oriented curriculum that help candidates become job ready. Train candidates on industry-specific skill areas that are in demand by the relevant Industry.


Maintaining the personal and salary data of employees. Providing them salary slips. Handle complex transactions of the Client’s payrolls like– Daily/ monthly/ apprentices/ trainees’ payrolls, Bonus Calculation, Third Party payments, Minimum wages different pay out dates, Interim payments etc. Keeping the attendance up to date. Giving full and final settlement of the employees who are leaving the organization. CTC related reimbursement processing like Medical, LTA, Fuel, Telephone etc. Prepare quarterly and annual e-TDS and submit the necessary data to NSDL.